Saturday, January 2, 2010

Swiper No Swiping

You bet your bottom dollar Olivia cracks me up every single day, but some days are even funnier than others. I wish I could capture her on video 24 hours a day and edit it down to single moments so I could replay them over and over again, she is a funny girl. And sure some of them are the "had to be there" moments, but this one should still translate into types words and be funny, we shall see what you think though.

Backstory: Olivia is now Dora The Explorer's #1 fan, she has replaced Barney with Dora and I do a little touchdown dance every single day to thank my lucky stars we have broadened our TV horizons. So she happens to love Swiper The Fox, a character on Dora for all you non-watchers out there...he "swipes" things and you have to say "Swiper no swiping" when he does it to get him to stop. Well she has started to use that in her everyday vocabulary. Yesterday Avery took a toy from her and I heard "Swiper no swiping", then it was Brad's turn to take something away from her and she said "Swiper no swiping". Very funny, right? Okay, maybe this is one of those "had to be there" type situations, but stay with me, I think it gets better from there.

So last night, we put her to bed around 8pm, and at 9:30pm she was still talking, she started yelling out to me, so I went upstairs, she was just laying there with a big smile on her face and said "I wanna play with Swiper Mommy, he's right over there". And she pointed to the door area of her room, then she said "Oh no, now he's in my bed", and with that Brad came upstairs because I couldn't help but giggle and he heard me over the monitor. So Brad is crouching down telling her that Swiper isn't in her bed anymore and she said "I know, Swiper is in Daddy's nose". Brad and I both laughed until we cried. Funny? I sure think so.

And onto Avery...her newest thing is gritting her teeth and I happen to think its anything but funny and would like to slap her darling little face into next week each and every time she does it, it kills me, nails on a chalk board, chewing on tin foil, all of those things that make you cringe. Horrible.

1 comment:

Emily's Family said...

You have cute kids!!