Monday, February 1, 2010

Back to School...Back to School

I hope that you just read the title of this post in the Adam Sandler voice from Billy Madison...oh how I love that movie. guessed it, the girls are back at school, but don't get too excited, I am going to pick them up at 12:45pm today so they can nap at home, they both still need their sleep and they don't sleep well at school. Turns out that 8 babies in the infant room had RSV and one is in the hospital, poor thing.

We ran the girls to school this morning and left Riley out of his crate, only to come home to a generous surprise in the blue bedroom, this dog is such a nervous pooper it isn't even funny. Thank goodness it was solid, if you catch my drift..woof.

Capital One is opening at 10am this morning, but I likely won't be making the trip in, I will be working from home and attempting to get a little more sleep since I am still feeling like doo-doo.

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