Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Turn on a Dime

My mood that is...it really can turn on a dime, and I have come to realize that a lot of it is directly related to how prepared/stressed I feel. If I am running around like a crazy person, my mood tends to plummet. Last night the girls and I had a great night together, goofing around, I wasn't rushed, I wasn't worried about anything other than spending time with my sweet offspring. This morning...totally different story. Avery woke up at 5:30am (yesterday she was up at 7:20am, consistent sleeper...I think NOT). So that meant I had to shower and get ready with her basically in the shower with me, not an easy task, but not impossible either...so at this point I am mood neutral. Then I have to wake Olivia up, which to say that when you wake her up she wakes up on the wrong side of the Toddler Bed is an understatement, that girl likes her sleep. She had a Dentist Appointment this morning at 8:30am, so that meant we had to be out of the house at 7:40am, leaving us enough time to take Avery to school and get to the Dentist. On the way to school she started crying, she wanted to stay at school, she didn't want to go to the Dentist (who am I kidding, I couldn't blame her), but it was so hard having to take her into school to drop Avery off and then walk her back out, it was such a tease for her.

So we get to the Dentist, she is okay playing and okay as we walk back but totally shut down and freaked out when the Hygienist tried to do anything near her face, she wouldn't let the nice lady clean her teeth so we resorted to just brushing, but she hated the toothpaste, so we had to just brush with water, and then flossing, oh God, you would have thought flossing was the end of the world, finally when she gave in (after I had a serious talk with her, calmly of course) she realized it wasn't that bad, but it seriously took several tries to even get that floss near her...she reacted as though the women was throwing a snake on her. Then Dr. W came over to check her out and she lost it. She started shaking, I was sitting in the chair holding her and she was screaming her face off. He fought with her this time, which I am glad he did, the last two times they have just given into her behavior and let her off scott-free, but I wanted them to force the issue, make her realize it doesn't hurt. He checked her out, and when he brought the metal pick-thingy out you should have seen her jump, and the screams got louder and louder, and he didn't even touch her teeth with them. The poor thing, my heart broke for her, she was really terrified, and while it isn't rational...its real to her, so I have to deal with it like its real. He gave her a cavity free report, but said she will likely need braces down the road due to some skeletal issues, not sure if they are from the fall or from sucking her thumb, I will ask more in May, but that is several years down the road and I am not going to worry about that just yet...for now I am going to focus on helping her deal with her fear and holding her hand along the way. I was trying to sing to her to distract her, but I kept tearing up...I hate seeing her so upset, so naturally my reaction is to cry...just what she needs, to see her Mom cry when I am trying to get her to stop crying.

And then you have the darling husband who is traveling all week and forgets to do silly things that add up and stress me out...things that should be on his plate, but are now on mine, like mine wasn't full enough. And while we are on the topic of my darling husband, lets just say next Dentist Appointment....he will be there, no getting out of it at the last minute. And while I am on the subject of the next Dentist Appointment, I think I am going to schedule it for late in the day, so that it would be acceptable to have a glass of wine when I leave there, this morning folks would have likely frowned upon my desire to kick back a few glasses of Governor's White at 9am, but really...it started my day off so rocky, why set myself up for that again?

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