Saturday, November 7, 2009

Miss Pac Man

So you have heard me complain about how Avery will eat anything and everything she can find on the floor, its horrible and requires you to watch her like a hawk, something that isn't always as easy as it sounds when you have a two year old running around and dog that likes to go in and out, in and out all day long. So last night when I got home we sat down to dinner, Avery was making this strange coughing/choking noise, she refused to eat, and coughed so hard she threw up a few times, at first glance I thought it was just mucus choking her up since she is still dealing with a stuffy nose, but after calling the Doctor and leaving a message I swept her mouth with my finger and found a LEAF...yup, that's right, a LEAF. Riley must have tracked it in, and she found it on the floor and in the mouth it went (I would like to point out this happened on Brad's watch, but in his defense it could have happened on my watch too). This child is going to keep us on our toes. I was getting ready to rush her to the ER thinking she had an obstructed airway...nah, she was just devouring nature and licking her chops.

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