Friday, October 2, 2009

So thankful....

  • Mexican Food...specifically Don Pepe...oh how I love thee.
  • Having today off...I took it off to spend it with the girls since Donna was taking a half-day, but Olivia ended up sleeping at my Mom's house and spending the morning with her, Avery went to Donna's until 11am and I worked on house projects like a crazy person all morning long.
  • Finding a new lady to clean our house, I am so excited, I absolutely love her and hope that she does a wonderful job, her first day is Wednesday. Wahoooo.

So we are likely going to hit the Pumpkin Patch at Chesterfield Berry Farm this weekend, either tomorrow afternoon post nap, or Sunday pre-nap, all depends on the weather. I can't wait to doll the girls up in their "overalls"...if its going to be 80 degrees we are going to have to modify the outfit...don't want the girls to sweat their little ta-ta's off.

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