Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh so thankful...

Not much else to report around here...Brad is out of town, Olivia is feeling better, work is work...ya know, same ol same ol.

I am thankful for:
  • The Holiday Season - I love creating holiday traditions now that we have kids, I will dedicate an entire post to my favorite holiday traditions, but for now, just know that I absolutely love the holiday season. I am so thankful that my parents are here for the Holidays and I am thankful that we get to spend the Holidays with both sets of Parents. This season we will get to meet our new nephew, Heath, we can't wait.
  • Riley - when Brad is traveling, I love having Riley sleeping next to me. He makes me feel safe and keeps me company in bed.
  • 3 Day Antibiotics - if you have ever tried to give an infant or toddler medicine you know it doesn't always go smoothly. Avery is horrible these days and Olivia is turning the corner and starting to worry me just a little bit, she actually enjoys taking medicine and asks for it on a daily basis. But in general, meds two times a day are no fun, it always gives you more chances to forget the dose and it prolongs the dosing schedule. So I am a HUGE fan of the Z-Pack, the once a day for 3 days prescription. I love, love, love it.

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