Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bike Race...

Sounds thrilling doesn't it? Especially for you folks that know how I feel about cycling...its at the top of my list as far as family activities go when we haven't been together as a family in several days...not so much, but I was a good supportive wife and didn't complain for a single second, and since my darling husband doesn't read our family blog he won't know I am complaining now...and I am not really complaining, so much as pointing out that it wasn't at the top of my list. It weather was beautiful though and it was good to get the girls outside to enjoy this beautiful Fall weather.

Brad was busy paying attention to the race, so I had to fend for myself when it came to capturing the moments...please excuse my thighs...oh wait, those are my arms - WOOF, they are HUGE.

Avery got in a sucker punch...

1 comment:

oneof4dms said...

love that first pic of olivia!