Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oatmeal & Snots

Not in that the girls starting coming down with their first cold of the summer on Thursday and I woke up Friday morning feeling like a bag of dirt...and it only went downhill from there. So we decided late in the day on Friday that a trip to DC wasn't going to be in any ones best interest, so we called the Roggi's and cancelled our photography session, please note, this is the third time we have had to cancel, and I am starting to get a little depressed about it, we are madly in love with them and were so looking forward to catching up and for them to photograph our girls (

Brad took dinner and baby presents over to his cousin Alex's house on Friday Night, he and his wife Kristen are expecting their first little one on September 11th and we owed them a present, as I wasn't able to attend her shower. We had all planned on going, but with the snots and all, we thought it was best to stay home and keep our germs away from the very pregnant Kristen. Brad said their house is gorgeous, and I am super jealous I didn't get to see it, I've only driven by it, just before they closed on it back in January...

Saturday was filled with a trip to Costco for Brad and Olivia and a whole lot of NOTHING. Oh wait, I did happen to blow by way through about 2 boxes of Kleenex...lovely.

Sunday...more of the same...but we mixed it up a little and Olivia and I took a trip to Wal-Mart, we needed a new shower curtain liner and it couldn't wait another second. And I mean it, it was seriously gross in there....ick. And I should note, that Brad had an early morning trip to Patient First....Poison Oak for him, and a shot in the butt later, he is doped up on some serious steroids and complaining every chance he gets...I told him serves him right for actually getting a break and riding in the woods, see, if you just doted on your children 24 hours a day like I do, you wouldn't catch such nasty things....right? HA.

Brad had the neighborhood Fantasy Football Draft tonight, but I am ashamed to admit that I had to call him at 7:15 and beg him to run across the street for a few minutes while I tried to get Avery down. This is the first time in my time as a mother that I have asked for help like this. Let me try and explain the situation...picture it now...
  • Riley stepping on my feet at least 45 times
  • Olivia taking her sweet a$& time getting up the steps, one of my biggest pet peeves, seriously it takes the girl a good 20 minutes to climb to the second floor, all while I am trying to following along with Avery, Avery's Bottle in hand and all of Olivia's toys she wants to bring upstairs to play with while I am trying to put Avery down.
  • Avery won't take her bottle, flopping around, whipping her head around like a crazy person
  • Olivia is banging pots and pans around
  • Riley is barking at something outside
  • Avery is fussing
  • Olivia is threatening to go back downstairs

I finally gave up on the bottle, Avery was refusing it, having only taken 1.5oz, but the minute I put her into her crib she screamed bloody murder, she has been a fussy mess all weekend, the poor thing just doesn't feel well, hasn't slept well and was just exhausted. So between Avery screaming, Olivia climbing all over me, and Riley driving me to drink, I needed some help. Avery was too distracted to eat with Olivia banging all the pots and pans in her room...Brad was here for about 15 minutes, long enough for me to get Avery to sleep, however she still refused her bottle, got Olivia's teeth brushed, into her PJ's, and into her crib...however she was still fussing at me through her monitor when Brad came back after finishing up the draft.

On a positive note, Brad got Tom Brady. WOOT WOOT.

So I am guessing that Avery will be up in a few hours to eat since she took a whopping 1.5oz before bed...great. Can't wait.

I failed to mention that Avery tried Oatmeal tonight for the first time...hence the subject line. She liked it...she isn't crazy about her food like Olivia was, but she doesn't put up a fight either. I am so dreading a 5 day work week, I really need 4 day work weeks during the summer to keep me sane.

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