Saturday, May 30, 2009


Me with the Girls bright and early this morning...sans a shower...give me a break I was up at 6:15am.

Olivia - being the adorable lil White Trash Cyclist we know and love...check out that visor she is sporting, its her fathers. You can't see them in the picture, but she also has her father's Dark Green Croc's on...Size XL.

I believe this was taken Thursday Night, I took about 84 photographs of her playing with the hose, it was quite a scene.

Notice the facial expression, the water was FREEZING, but she was having a blast. Again, fully dressed.

Avery (3 Months) & Olivia (22 Months)

Our poor children have the immune systems of a HIV patient, and I know that sounds terrible, but GOOD LORD. Who gets sick in May? So I picked up the girls on Thursday, my first day picking them up since I have been back at work, and I noticed that Olivia felt hot, so Donna took her temp before we left, it was 100.4, so I gave her some Tylenol when we got home, she didn't eat a thing for dinner, and she went to bed. At 10pm the poor thing was moaning, so up we went, her fever had gone up to 103, so I gave her some Motrin, she went back to sleep and was up moaning again throughout the night, but was up for the day at 5:30am. I had talked to Dr. Shook the day before about Avery and had scheduled an appointment for her at 9:15 on Friday, so I called first thing Friday Morning to see if they could fit Olivia in too, and that meant moving the Appointment to 10am - FINE BY ME. So I clearly had to work from home...shucks! The girls and I had fun spending the morning together and then jumped in the Yukon and set off for Chippenham Pediatrics...
Avery with her adorable/devilish smile.

Olivia - No fever, but CRAZY double ear infection. One of her ears was so bad Dr. Shook said she wouldn't be surprised if it burst and drained - GROSS. 10 days of Amoxicillin (sp?) for her. She weighed in at 28lbs, which is exactly what she weighed at home that morning.
Sweet Angel Avery

Avery - I had scheduled the appointment because she has been congested, spitting up a TON, fighting her bottles and had been extra fussy. So Dr. Shook increased her dose of Zantac and gave me a Rx of Amoxicillin for her as well, but told me to hold off on filling that until Monday. She weighed in at 14lbs 4oz.
Noisy Avery sucking on her fingers.

And on top of all that, Brad and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary on Friday...with a little takeout from Don Pepe at 9pm after the girls were in bed.
Don't you love the monogrammed outfit, outfit from Kids Layne Sale and Monogramming done by non other than GOT ME IN STITCHES (

Olivia woke up around midnight moaning again, her fever was back, so Brad gave her some Motrin, walked back into our room to get her "cuppie", took it back into her room and in that short amount of time she had puked in her crib, the poor thing. We cleaned her up...and back to sleep she went. She slept until 8:45am this morning, and appears to be feeling better, but her nose is still GROSS.
We took Avery to get her 3 Month pictures taken Saturday Morning, she was a little angel, so cute. We can't wait to pick them up on June 9th. We got a few good shots of the girls together, but I am looking forward to Olivia 2 Year Pictures and Avery's 6 Month Pictures, more picture opportunities, I am obsessed with getting their photo's taken as you can tell by all the shots I spread throughout this post.

We then went to Toys R Us and bought the girls (okay, Olivia...) a "Beach" (a.k.a a Sandbox) and an "Ocean" (a.k.a a Pool), and then we had a delicious lunch at Chick-fil-A. Too bad it was their 8th Anniversary and the HUGE COW was there, scared Olivia half to death, she screamed bloody murder and then when the manager escorted the cow away she said through her tears "Bye Bye COOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW". Classic.
Sunday we spent the morning playing with the girls. Brad left around 12:45 for the airport and the girls and I hung out until naptime, then I ran around like a crazy person getting everything ready for Insley's Shower and the rest of our week.
Avery @ Insley's Shower, sitting with Reese.

Avery with Reese

La-La playing in the Pool with Dadda this morning before he left...notice she is FULLY dressed...thats how we roll in the Turner Household.

Bedtime is the hardest as a single Momma. Tonight it about broke my heart, I was trying to read to Olivia, listening to Avery fuss in her chair downstairs (she was safe, don't worry), I was reading as fast as I could, I finished the book and Olivia said "More Gooks", clearly she wanted me to keep reading, but by this time Avery was fussing, the phone was ringing, neither girl had taken their last dose of meds for the day, so I threw Olivia, and by threw I mean placed Olivia gently in her crib, all the while she is yelling "Sit Down Momma", because she wants me to sit back down in the chair and keep reading, I tell her I will be back, I run downstairs get Avery, all the meds and come back up with bottle in hand, feed Avery, tell Olivia I will be right there, run in and give Olivia a book to read in her crib, feed Avery, give her the meds, put her down, run into Olivia's room, give her the meds, pick her up, read her two more books all the while Avery is fussing...put Olivia in her crib after many kisses good night and go check on Avery who is already off to she was just fussing seconds before is BEYOND me. Phew, are you tired yet, can you picture me running around the house with syringes in my mouth full of meds...

Brad took Olivia upstairs and read her a few books around 8pm tonight, its 9:25pm right now and she is still having a full blown conversation with herself...lets hope she sleeps in again tomorrow, but don't you worry, no one is allowed to sleep in with Miss Avery in the house, that chick pops those eyes open and starts chatting it up at 6:30am, she's so happy in the mornings though, you can't really complain.

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