Sunday, December 28, 2008

Baby Flip Flops...its 72 Here...

We are happy to report that Olivia is starting to show signs of improvement, the breathing treatments must be helping!! Her Doc said it would take a good 2 weeks for the cough to go away, that was depressing, but while its still awful, its getting better already, we are all for Baby Steps in the right direction.

If any of you have ever had to give your child a Nebulizer, you know they get super hyped up after, the Albuterol makes their heart pound. Well as soon as we unhook Olivia, put her down, she runs in circles for a good 15 minutes, its hilarious. Next time we do it we are going to get her on video, its like you are watching her on fast forward.

The whole family took a field trip to Sonic this morning for breakfast before Brad and GaGa started work on Avery's Closet, even Riley came along for the ride. Its been a while since we made the trip for breakfast, while we had fun, it wasn't the same without our loyal Sonic companions Brian and Molly.

Olivia has learned how to feed her "Baby" a bottle, its adorable. She is madly in love with her Baby (Thanks Dana), she has to take her everywhere, wants to wrap her in blankets, etc. We are hoping this is a good sign for when Avery arrives that she will at least want to cuddle and comfort her like she does her baby.

Brad goes back to work tomorrow, but will be off starting Wednesday through the 5th. His parents are coming up for a few days to celebrate Christmas since we didn't make the trip down there this year.

Can you believe its already 72 degrees outside and its only 11am...and its December 28th. Its nuts. After Olivia's nap we are planning on taking Riley to the park and hoping Olivia will want to play on her new swing set...can't miss out on this gorgeous weather, but can't do too much since Olivia is still fighting Bronchitis.

1 comment:

oneof4dms said...

I'm glad that she's starting to feel better and happy to know that she is enjoying her doll!